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The aviva method is like a dance for the hormones.
It's a 100% natural method that regulates the female cycle.
What is the aviva method?
The “basic” method is a series of 18 specific exercises that involve the whole body, focusing on the pelvis. These movements promote blood circulation, regulate hormones, strengthen deep muscles, bring about physical relaxation, increase internal heat and vital energy...
These exercises are performed with music to maintain a dynamic rhythm, and last around 30 minutes.
To optimize effectiveness, we recommend practicing twice a week.
It is useful for women .... does not cure, but contributes to improvements in various situations:
heavy, irregular periods
premenstrual syndromes
pain, cramps
delayed menstruation
desire for a child
many women have reported improvements in cases of endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), reduction of cysts or fibroids
Thanks to this method, you can become autonomous in harmonizing your cycle, but it does require a commitment to self-practice in order to reap the benefits.
It is practised in many countries and many women have seen improvements in their cycles.
Depending on each woman's individual needs, .... numerous testimonials have demonstrated the effectiveness of these movements.
It is a support and prevention tool, and does not replace medical care or any prescribed treatment.
This method can be used by all women.
In the case of specific health problems linked to the cycle, the aviva method is sometimes not recommended and requires medical supervision.
Aviva Steiner has created several other series of movements in her method that will accompany women throughout their lives and according to the phases of their cycle:
The “short method”: a synthesis of the basic method (mentioned above) which lasts 15 min and will be learned in a second stage.
Promoting ovulation
Men can also practice this method, but there is a series of specific exercises for men to promote fertility and prevent prostate and impotence problems....
What do these movements look like?
Visually, some of the movements are reminiscent of yoga, gymnastics or dance, but the specificity of these exercises is that they are performed internally, encouraging contraction and relaxation of the deep muscles.
How can I learn?
I offer face-to-face or online workshops (group or individual)
I offer a “Re-Sources féminines 100% autonomie” package aimed at online support over more than a month with the workshop and sessions 2 times a week, video capsules....
For more information, please contact me directly.
Following the workshop, you will have the opportunity to purchase a kit including a book and a detailed brochure of the movements, as well as the music on cd or mp3 to practice.